WD-query-semantics-20010607 : 2.15 Expanded names

The examples in "2.15 Expanded names" no longer make sense.

The previous version used a notation which expressed clearly that the
names denoted were universal names. The present version expresses them
as qualified names. I can follow, that the query be expressed in a
notation closer to a concrete syntax. The result examples, on the other
hand, require something closer to the notation from the previous version.

As formulated, both the element instance and the type expression contain
free prefixes.
Were the namespace declarations ommitted in error?
Was it intended that they be assumed?
Are these expressions intended to explain some form of parameterized typing?

It's not clear what the document is trying to say here.

When I look at the type resolution rules, I would be not be inclined to
disbelieve the last suggestion, but it's certainly not clear from the text.


Received on Wednesday, 13 June 2001 11:50:26 UTC