Re: LEIRI link incorrect

/ Richard Tobin <> was heard to say:
|>The new draft at
|>uses the term LEIRI and provides a reference to the IETF IRI RFC, however
|>the version of the IRI spec referenced does not define LEIRI, merely IRI.
| The draft RFC linked to does not contain the term "LEIRI", but it does
| define "Legacy Extended IRI" which is what LEIRI is short for.  So
| it's not that the link is wrong, it's that the XLink draft does spell
| out what LEIRI stands for.

Thank you Rick & Richard. I have corrected that. The new text reads:

  The value of the href attribute is a [Legacy Extended IRI] (LEIRI).
  Processing a relative identifier against a base is handled
  straightforwardly; the algorithms of [RFC 3986] can be applied
  directly, treating the characters additionally allowed in LEIRIs in
  the same way that unreserved characters are in URI references.

Rick, please let us know if that resolves your concerns.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | We think in generalities, but we live            | in detail--Alfred North Whitehead

Received on Wednesday, 7 May 2008 13:38:29 UTC