Biz Site Biz Ezine-for Nov 1, 2004

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       ~~~~BIZ SITE BIZ E-ZINE~~~~

          "The How-To-Do-It-E-zine"

                     Issue# 253
              November  3, 2004

                  Larry Johnson

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Hello Reader,

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This E-Zine provides resources and tips to help you  build,
promote, market and manage your Newsletters & Business.

As a subscriber you have acknowledged that there will be
both in-house and third-party a^dvertising as part of our
content. This allows me to provide the FR*E newsletter.

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      You are the target of Spyware...

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playing games or for swapping music and video files, you are
most likely infected. If your PC frequently crashes without 

explanation, you are also most likely infected.   

             There is help for you...  

...our FR*E download will scan your PC for spyware.


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               ~~~ WHAT'S INSIDE ~~~

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~ QUOTE OF THE WEEK--  Or *I Wish I had Said That*

~ TODAY'S PROMOTION TIP--  "Your Site In A Closet ?"

~ ARTICLE OF THE WEEK-- "Web-Marketing Plan"

~ RECOMMENDED LINKS :  Neat Resources & Links

~ READER'S FEEDBACK :  Questions & Answers

~ AD PLACEMENT INFO :   Order ads here

~ SUBSCRIPTION INFO :    At the end of ezine

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Hello Reader,

I know now for certain that the real fall season
is upon us.    The weather man has said a couple
of familiar words.   The "S" word,  snow,   and the 
"F" word,  freeze.

Hopefully,  you are ready for a change in the 
seasons wherever you are.

This issue points out some simple ideas to get
your online business started.   Be sure and read
today's article or web marketing as well as the 
Promotion Tips section for some great ideas.

If you have experienced some success on line and
want to share your tips,   please send them along
to us.    We may use them in a future issue.

'Till next week....Best of luck with your promotions.

Larry (;>)


Order Your Top Sponsor Or Solo Ads Here...

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            QUOTE OF THE WEEK

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"I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that don't work." 

-Thomas Alva Edison  

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                 "Your Site In A Closet ?"

Okay so now you have a neat virtual domain name;
a great web hosting company;   and you have managed
to build (or have someone build)  a website that looks
pretty darn good.

You know your URL and can find your site easily,  but
the real question is,  can anyone else find it ?

Your site may as well be in a dark closet in a dark, 
forgotten basement if you think someone is going to 
find you by accident.

There are many ways to give your site some exposure
on the internet so others may easily locate your items 
for sale or the services you offer.

One of the most important is the use of search engines.

You probably use them everyday when you are looking
for anything online.    You type in a keyword and up pops
any number of related sites.

So,  you must have good keywords on your website and
a good title description if you hope to have a shot at a 
good listing in the search engines.

Read more about marketing your site including search
engines and keywords in today's marketing article in 
this issue.

To get visitors to return to your site later you need a 
mailing list for them to join.

Next week we will outline for you some thoughts
on developing an mailing list.

Best of luck with your promotional efforts...


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The 7 Habits of a Successful Web-Marketing Plan

                     by Valerie Prigent

What is web-marketing? Why does your business need it?

The best web site and the best web-marketing strategy will not
reap the highest possible results, if they are not tightly
integrated. Not only do you need a well-designed web site with
relevant content and user-friendly navigation, but your site
needs to be found by your target audience (prospect customers).

A well-thought web marketing strategy drives traffic to your
site through search engines, and other methods. Search engine
strategy helps in getting the highest visibility in the search
engine ranking, then helps pull the visitors to your web site if
your listing is relevant to their initial query.

After that, your web site or web page needs to communicate and 
be relevant in a targeted fashion to what your visitors had in mind 
when they clicked on your listing or search result.

How does a web site communicate relevancy and targeting? Here
are 7 habits a well-thought web-marketing plan needs to include
to increase its efficiency.

Habit #1: Keyword strategy

Keyword research must be done to find out what people are
actually typing into the search engines. Of course, it will be
important to analyze the competition and your current keywords
on an ongoing-basis. The really important number is the amount
of traffic each keyword generates. Since search engine
algorithms and methods are bound to change and are diverse, it
is important to revisit your keyword strategy on a regular basis.

Habit #2: Targeted pages to channels or main audience

The key is to know your audience and address what they are
looking for, rather than presenting what your business can
offer. Rather than sending all visitors to your home page and
then letting them wander through your web pages, hoping that
they will find what they were initially looking for, why not
point them in the correct direction and offer them the content
they were initially looking for by doing this search query?

Habit #3: Integrating keyword strategy and web content

Also, it is important to point out that keywords need to be
re-used in the content itself of the page, and this is done by
striking a careful balance between selling to prospect
customers, optimizing for search engines, and making the text
interesting and useful to your visitors. Because search engines
want repeat customers, they try to return relevant results, so
this content cannot be artificially crafted for the purpose of
search engine ranking only ; but rather, one must take into
consideration the importance of contextual relevancy and content

Habit #4: A call to action

The web page needs to have a call to action, and you need to
have some ROI measurement in place to establish the success of
your search engine marketing strategy (whether it is paid or
unpaid search engine keywords).

Habit #5: Content creation and freshness

Your site needs to grow its content to increase its search
marketability, relevancy and ranking. Indeed, the more fresh
content your site has, the more likely it will come up in search
results, and the more your audience will come back to your web

Habit #6: Integrating your online and offline marketing campaigns

Think about ways of reinforcing the conversion of new
prospective leads to consumers. This can be done through
reminders via emails, brochures, coupons, seminars, newsletters,

Habit #7: Link Campaign

You need to get relevant sites to link to your web site. Partner
with sites that have good relevant content related to your
business and that are the authority or are popular in your field.

These 7 habits will help in increasing the success of your
online presence. It is important to ensure you have the right
resources committed to your web site and allocate the
appropriate budget to maintaining and promoting it. Don't just
build your web site and wait! 

About the author:
Valerie Prigent is the Web Marketing Coach at MyPrivateCoach.
She has successfully helped start-ups, non-profit organizations
and Fortune 500 companies with their online sales and marketing.
She has worked with Google and Overture and learned the insider
secrets on how to become successful online. She can be contacted

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               RECOMMENDED LINKS

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Ordinary people are making money working from
home on the Internet...

Does Your Web Site Host Pay You Back ?      

Our FR*E download will scan your PC for spyware.                                    
A New Twist In Safe Internet Advertising                         
Another Great Ezine That I Recommend
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 --Send us your Questions, Tips & Comments--

Send us your feedback...things you like or don't like.
..what you would like to see in the ezine in  future issues.

Larry (:>)

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        ~~~  Advertise In This E-zine ~~~

YOUR TOP SPONSOR AD can be here next week reaching 
thousands of  interested webmasters, publishers and 

YOUR EXCLUSIVE SOLO AD can be sent out to the entire
membership of this mailing list on Tuesdays or Thursdays
depending on available ad slots.

                  Order Ads Here:

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        Biz Site Biz   **Disclaimer**

We accept no responsibility whatsoever for the content,
profitability or legality of any published article or
advertisement in The Biz Site Biz Ezine.

Biz Site Biz Ezine runs articles and a^ds in good faith but offers
NO gu^arantees unless expressed by ME or Biz Site Biz Ezine.

Please use your best judgment in ANY transaction
or deal you enter into or offer to which you respond.

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Larry Johnson, Publisher    (C)1999-2004-All rights reserved
Published since 3/99    

                    LINK TO US HERE:       

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              ~~ Final Words ~~

"Obstacles are those frightful things you see

when you take your eyes off your goal." 

-Henry Ford 

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Received on Wednesday, 3 November 2004 09:33:12 UTC