Chapter 4.5 - Editing needed

I suggest that at least part of Chapter 4.5 of the XLink Rec needs to be 

The first sentence reads, "Because XLink's global attributes require the use 
of namespace prefixes, non-XLink-based links in legacy documents generally do 
not serve as conforming XLink constructs as they stand, even if attribute 
value defaulting is used."

I would suggest that the conclusion has essentially nothing to do with the 
supposed reason of "Because XLink's global attributes require the use of 

The reason legacy links don't work is that none (to the best of my knowledge) 
follow the constructs specified in the XLink Rec.

Secondly, it is stated that "generally" legacy links don't serve as 
conforming XLink constructs. Do they ever? I suspect not.

Given that the first clause of the sentence has, at best, a marginal causal 
relationship to the concluding part of the sentence I suggest that the 
sentence be redrafted.

Andrew Watt

Received on Monday, 11 March 2002 06:57:37 UTC