Outbound: Another misleading definition?

In Chapter 2.3 of the XLink Rec the following definition exists:

Definition: An arc that has a local starting resource and a remote ending 
resource goes outbound, that is, away from the linking element.

It states, at least as I read it, that an arc that goes outbound "goes ... 
away from the linking element".

However, a remote ending resource (at least using the given definition of 
"remote resource" earlier in Chapter 2.3) may exist *within* the same linking 
element as a local starting resource.

So an outbound arc, at least it seems to me, may go "outbound" from a local 
starting resource to a remote (as defined) ending resource and stay within 
the same linking element, seemingly contradicting the definition for 
"outbound" quoted earlier.

Am I misunderstanding this or does the definition for outbound need revision?

Andrew Watt

Received on Saturday, 9 March 2002 16:40:03 UTC