Re: Slight architectural discrepancy between XMl 1.0 & the infoset

/ Tim Bray <> was heard to say:
| This seems serious to me, the infoset seems to be requiring 
| behavior of software which a reasonable reader of the XML 1.0
| would not expect. -Tim

As James Clark has observed, there's nothing in the XML Recommendation
that says a parser has to report start and end tags. I don't think
it's a problem. The Infoset doesn't require you to do anything, it
provides a vocabulary to describe unambiguously what your processor
does produce or does require.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman.Walsh@Sun.COM   | Simplicity is always a virtue.--Edward Abbey
XML Standards Engineer |
XML Technology Center  | 
Sun Microsystems, Inc. | 

Received on Wednesday, 6 February 2002 16:55:48 UTC