Response to your comment on the XML Infoset CR draft

This is the XML core working group's response to your comment(s) on
the XML Infoset CR draft.  Please let us know within seven days (by
mail to whether you accept our
resolution or instead wish to have your objection recorded as a
minority opinion.

Issue holstege 
Status: rejected (but see last paragraph below)

We agree that this is a serious problem, but we cannot fully address
it in the Infoset spec.

The spec defines the Infoset resulting from parsing an XML 1.0
document. To go beyond this and circumscribe what Infosets can result
from other operations is outside the scope of the spec, and more
importantly not a problem we know how to solve in general.

There are two well-known cases where inconsistency can arise in the
(unextended) Infoset. The case of [in-scope namespaces] and [namespace
attributes] seems to be well-understood. XSLT requires that namespace
attributes be added on output, corresponding to the namespace
nodes. In Infoset terms this means that [in-scope namespaces] takes
precedence over [namespace attributes]. Similarly we expect that
xml:base attributes will be added or changed to match the [base URI]
property (though some have suggested that xml:base attributes
resulting from schema processing might affect [base URI]).

We will add text to the spec indicating that [in-scope namespaces] and
[base URI] should be taken as definitive in preference to [namespace
attributes] and xml:base attributes respectively.

Received on Wednesday, 25 July 2001 12:05:17 UTC