any guidelines wrt. entity reporting?

Section 2.9 of the Last Call draft of 20-December-1999 states that:

| It is perfectly all right for an XML processor to report some entities
| and not others.

Does this mean that an XML procecessor which never report entities still
is compliant with the infoset spec? In other words, the statement above
sounds like it is XML processor's liberty to arbitrarily decide which
entities to report and which ones not to.

I believe there should have been a sort of a guideline that an XML processor
is required to follow in reporting entities before excercising its discretion.

Am I missing something?

= Takuki Kamiya  Phone: (045)476-4586 Fax: (045)476-4749   =
= FUJITSU LIMITED (COINS:7128-4217 NIFTY:HHA01731)         =

Received on Monday, 27 December 1999 02:57:18 UTC