Document's Title: W3C XML Key Mangement Services Teleconference W3C[1] XML Key Management Services WG[2] DRAFT 26 October 2004 XKMS Teleconference Minutes Chairs: Shivaram Mysore Note Takers: Jose Kahan Last revised by $Author: kahan $ $Date: Tuesday 26 October 2004 - 19:06:39$ Participants * Shivaram Mysore * Jose Kahan, W3C * Guillermo Alvaro, Trinity College * Yunhao Zhang, SQLData Regrets * Tommy Lindberg * Stephen Farrell, Trinity College Agenda * Announcements * Review last telecon AIs * Issues list * Open enumerations * PKI Workshop paper * Compliancy section Minutes * Actions from last time[3]: 1. People need to fill in the questionaire - AI: Implementers: fill in the questionaire in the next week reflecting what you've done. CLOSED. AI: Jose - send "results" style information to the list in about a week (roughly by 20041005) so those not registered to answer the questions can easily see the results. CLOSED 2. Yunhao has some additional tests that he can do, but which are not yet part of the test suite (e.g. re-issue). We agreed to try to start incorporating such tests into our procedures even it ifs earlier than planned. AI: Yunhao - send mail to the list describing these new test scenarios/messages. CLOSED AI: Guillermo - incorporate those, once approved by the list. We agreed to add the lists and have feedback from Tommy as a way of approval. CLOSED AI: Jose incorporate those into the questionaire. (Yunhao also noted that he'll be making some batch test scripts available from his web page which semi-automate running tests.) STILL OPEN 3. AI Stephen: Check on OCSP issue[4] with IETF, ETC, DSS and other groups and report back. STILL OPEN 4. AI: Shivaram - Post the (final) new schema early next week. CLOSED AI: Implementors - Upgrade to the new schema. STILL OPEN AI: All Send comments on updated schema[5] to the list STILL OPEN 5. AI: Chairs/Jose - Chairs and Jose will propose a deadline for the end of the interop exercise. STILL OPEN 6. AOB: Open enumerations in the schema[6]. AI: Tommy - say if this issue is closed or what pieces of the schema should move to use OpenEnum. STILL OPEN 7. AOB: AI: All - Don't forget to start thinking and writing down your ideas on what should constitute a compliant XKMS and/or XKRSS clients/servers based on your experience. Do we need to have several levels of compliancy or just one? Should they always support asynchronous, synchronous, and compound requests? * AOB: Shivaram: Closed a number of open issues and sent a status report on those that are still open / on progress. * AOB: Yunhao said that the spec doesn't say anything on how many times should a client send a Status Request in order to complete a request. Rich sugges that maybe we should add a non normative choreography section or appendix to the spec to describe this. * AOB: Guillermo is working on a PKI R&D paper about XKMS interoperability and is open for coauthoring. You should contact him if you're interested or want to review the paper. Next Telecon * Next Telecon(s) * Date: November 9th (to be confirmed), 2004; Time - 8:30AM - 9:30AM PT, 11:30AM - 12:30PM ET check time for your local area here[7] * Zakim Bridge (617) 761-6200 Code: "XKMS" * Future telecons at the same time in Nov. * Agenda: More discussions on Interop Event results, Interop Matrix; issue list -------------------------------------------------------------- List of References Document's URL: /tmp/041026-tele.txt [1] [2] [3] 041012-tele.html [4] [5] [6] [7]