XKMS Schema issue 22

Issue 22 Bulk Requests
There is an issue of schema design here, how to express a multiple request?
Question: Do we want to be able to issue different request types at the same
E.G. 3 <Locate> and 4 <Validate> ???
This may make some sense when it comes to bulk registration issues, it would
allow you to request a recovery and revocation in the same step (quite
likely if you have just fired Mallet).
The answer to this question affects the schema design
Option 1:
<!-- CompoundRequest -->
<element name="RequestAbstract" type="xkms:RequestAbstractType"/>
<element name="CompoundRequest" type="xkms:CompoundRequestType"/>
    <complexType name="CompoundRequestType">
            <extension base="xkms:RequestAbstractType">
                    <element ref="xkms:RequestAbstract" minOccurs="0"
<!-- /CompoundRequest -->
And we specify that each of the requests is a member of the Abstract Request
substitution group
Pro:        This works really well for extensibility
Con:        We cannot restrict the multiple request to be n requests of the
same type
Con:        Requires support for substitution groups (is this a problem
framework folks)?
Option 2:
We enumerate the defined request types
Pro:        Simple to implement
Con:        Does not extend very well
<element name="CompoundRequest" type="xkms:CompoundRequestType"/>
<complexType name="CompoundRequestType">
        <extension base="xkms:RequestAbstractType">
            <choice minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                <element ref="xkms:LocateRequest"/>
                <element ref="xkms:ValidateRequest"/>
                <element ref="xkms:RegisterRequest"/>
                <element ref="xkms:ReissueRequest"/>
                <element ref="xkms:RecoverRequest"/>
                <element ref="xkms:RevokeRequest"/>

Option 3:
We enumerate the defined requests with a constraint that the requests be all
of the same type:
Pro:        Simple to implement
Con:        Does not extend well
<element name="CompoundRequest" type="xkms:CompoundRequestType"/>
<complexType name="CompoundRequestType">
        <extension base="xkms:RequestAbstractType">
                <element ref="xkms:LocateRequest" minOccurs="1"
                <element ref="xkms:ValidateRequest" minOccurs="1"
                <element ref="xkms:RegisterRequest" minOccurs="1"
                <element ref="xkms:ReissueRequest" minOccurs="1"
                <element ref="xkms:RecoverRequest" minOccurs="1"
                <element ref="xkms:RevokeRequest" minOccurs="1"

My preferred option is #1 but I have implemented #2 at present since #1
would be harder to back out completely.

Received on Wednesday, 25 September 2002 16:50:38 UTC