Re: thy tiers might cease...

On Tuesday 05 March 2002 12:58, Stephen Farrell wrote:
> Joseph was concerned about:
> > The meanings of (RetrievelMethod), "Locate", "Validate" and there
> > "tier" structures are not immediately meaningful. They confuse the
> > nature of the protocol action (request/action) with the sort of query
> > (an actual key value, KeyInfo children elements, or KeyInfo children
> > elements with other information.)
> I agree that the "tier" stuff doesn't help, but otherwise I find
> things clear enough (or maybe I'm misreading Joseph's concern?)

Learning what the concepts of Retrieve, Locate, and Validate is not 
difficult. However, they are rather arbitrary tokens (e.g., collision on 
validate) and what one is actually doing is sending a request and asking 
for some information. Let the query state what is being asked for: the key 
value, KeyInfo, KeyInfo and trust information. I expect it will still be 
useful to speak of a Locate request as on that requests as short hand but I 
think that having such a parent element of the Query as unnecessary.


Joseph Reagle Jr.       
W3C Policy Analyst      
IETF/W3C XML-Signature Co-Chair
W3C XML Encryption Chair

Received on Wednesday, 6 March 2002 17:24:12 UTC