Updated Requirements - Jan 30, 2002

Here is the latest update to the XML Key Management Requirements document.
Thanks to Daniel, Krishna, Joseph, Mack, Rich, Sébastien, Stephen and Yassir
for their comments on the list and all who participated on the telecon last

We've hopefully addressed all comments, and additionally have tried to
re-group several sections and remove some redundancy so that the spec is
easier to read. 

When reviewing, among other things, please ensure your agreement with the
normative requirements since several MUSTs etc. have been added and
clarified (the previous draft wasn't consistent with capitalization and its
indication of normative and non-normative requirements).

In addition, we didn't notice any new or changed requirements arising from
the recent list discussion on the 4-corner model. It should be confirmed
that what we have now is satisfactory (at least for the first release of

Frederick and Mike

Received on Wednesday, 30 January 2002 16:26:58 UTC