Re: SOAP headers for xmldsig and xenc

On Thursday 04 April 2002 01:36, David Orchard wrote:
> 1. What namespace(s) would we use?  SOAP-SEC uses, and I
> assume we'd have to switch to

I can get us something like:

> 2. What names for specs?  WS-Sec? WS-Security (and another number of
> interesting names) are taken by MSFT.

Don't know. I'm happy with Christopher's suggestion.

> 3. Do you see taking specs and modifying them, with new editors from our
> task force?

Don't know. My point is there is no reason for people to have process 
paralysis. I can get the authors a namespace, and this forum is suitable 
for such conversation. If someone wants a web services security activity, 
with a charter, requirements last call, and the guarentees and coordination 
of process, then one needs a chartered activity But that shouldn't stop 
people from banging around a document on the technical side here -- given 
that this work must be compatible with the IPR terms of the xenc and xmlp 
WGs if its to be used by those activities (or some new form thereof).

> 4. I think that MSFT has updated/changed from SOAP-SEC to WS-Security, so
> it would be worthwhile knowing the reasons.  In particular, I'd like to
> know if there was new or updated thinking.
> 5. I think that we should get a small list of requirements as well. 
> Might make it easier for WSArch to take any output.
> 6. Is this a public list?


Received on Thursday, 4 April 2002 11:37:14 UTC