Fwd: Standardization of WS-Transfer, WS-ResourceTransfer, WS-Enumeration and WS-MetadataExchange

   As an fyi IBM, Oracle, CA, and Fujitsu just sent the below note to  
the AC forum to start a discussion on moving forward with completing  
the standardization work of the referenced specifications.

Begin forwarded message:

> Resent-From: w3c-ac-forum@w3.org
> From: Jeff Mischkinsky <jeff.mischkinsky@oracle.com>
> Date: June 20, 2008 8:17:48 AM PDT
> To: w3c-ac-forum@w3.org
> Subject: Standardization of WS-Transfer, WS-ResourceTransfer, WS- 
> Enumeration and WS-MetadataExchange
> Hi,
> As most of you know, over the last several years fairly good  
> progress has been made on standardizing Web services.  Many Web  
> services specifications have, in fact, been standardized in W3C  
> (i.e. SOAP 1.2, WSDL 2.0, WS-Addressing, WS-Policy, etc).  There is  
> still some work to be done.
> Accessing data about a resource through Web services is an area of  
> the Web services architecture that has yet to be fully realized.   
> Some good work has already been done to date, however, some pieces  
> of the overall puzzle are still waiting to be completely  
> standardized.   Several specifications ([2], [3] and [6]) that  
> address some of these issues have already been submitted to the W3C  
> over two years ago via the Member Submission process [1], but no  
> Working Groups have been formed to date to progress them down the  
> REC track.  A few others (([4], published more than 4 years ago and  
> [5], published almost 2 years ago) have been worked on elsewhere and  
> have not yet been submitted to a standards organization. In the  
> meantime other specifications have started to use them in their  
> work; e.g. WS-Management in DMTF and WS-Federation in OASIS.
> We believe that it is time for the next step in the open  
> standardization of some key specifications that address this issue.   
> We believe that four specifications, in particular,  work together   
> to provide mechanisms for accessing and manipulating the XML  
> representation of a resource as well as any metadata associated with  
> that resource.  The four specifications are:
> 	• WS-Transfer [2]
> 	• WS-Enumeration [3]
> 	• WS-MetadataExchange [4]
> 	• WS-ResourceTransfer [5]
> To this end, we recommend that the W3C create a new Working Group  
> (with the suggested name of " Web Services Resource Access Working  
> Group" ) to standardize the four specification mentioned above.  Two  
> of these specifications are W3C Member Submissions dating back to  
> March 2006 ([2],[3]), the other two have been worked on outside of  
> W3C and we will shortly submitting them to the W3C so they can  
> worked on by the Working Group.
> Attached is a draft charter for this new Working Group for  
> consideration by the Team and the Membership.
> Note: WS-Eventing [6] is missing from the charter and we are  
> exploring the next steps.  We'll have a suggestion soon.
> Kind regards,
> Steve Holbrook, IBM AC Rep
> Jeff Mischkinsky, Oracle AC Rep
> Kazunori Iwasa , Fujitsu AC Rep
> Paul Lipton, CA AC Rep
> [1] http://www.w3.org/Submission/
> [2] http://www.w3.org/Submission/2006/04/
> [3] http://www.w3.org/Submission/2006/02/
> [4] http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/webservices/library/specification/ws-mex/
> [5]  http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/specification/ws-wsrt/
> [6] http://www.w3.org/Submission/WS-Eventing/
> --
> Jeff Mischkinsky			          		jeff.mischkinsky@oracle.com
> Director, Oracle Fusion Middleware and Web Services Standards	 
> +1(650)506-1975
> Consulting Member Technical Staff           			500 Oracle Parkway, M/ 
> S 2OP9
> Oracle								Redwood Shores, CA 94065

Jeff Mischkinsky			          		jeff.mischkinsky@oracle.com
Director, Oracle Fusion Middleware and Web Services Standards	 
Consulting Member Technical Staff           			500 Oracle Parkway, M/S  
Oracle								Redwood Shores, CA 94065

Received on Friday, 20 June 2008 17:22:33 UTC