Call for Contributions: Journal of Database Management (JDM)

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and students. Thanks.

Journal of Database Management (JDM)
Special Issue on XML Data Services: Technology Evolution and Challenges

The Extensible Markup Language (XML) is used to represent 
fine-grained data that originates in repositories in machine readable 
format by providing structure and the possibility of adding type 
information, such as XML Schema. A Web service is a software system 
that supports interoperable application-to-application interaction 
over the Internet. Web services are based on a set of XML standards, 
such as Web Services Description Language (WSDL), Simple Object 
Access Protocol (SOAP), and Universal Description, Discovery and 
Integration (UDDI). Each service makes its functionality available 
through well-defined or standardized XML interfaces. The result of 
this approach is a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). XML is 
playing an important role in the data transport protocol for Web 
services. For example, SOAP messages are used both by service 
requestors to invoke Web services, and by Web services to answer 
requests. The interactions of SOAP messages between Web services form 
the theoretical model of SOAP Message Exchange Patterns (MEP). This 
workshop aims to explore and investigate various research issues of 
XML data that is encapsulated by Web services over the network. In 
particular, we call these networked services as XML data services. 
New challenges arise in the study of services engineering, an 
emerging research area devoted to the software engineering of 
service-oriented applications. Services engineering is an important 
area of the Services Computing Discipline, as promoted by the IEEE 
Computer Society, ACM, academia and industry. Its goal is to 
formulate effective solutions to the quality development, deployment 
and management of these applications. Topics of interest include, but 
are NOT limited to:

* Services engineering in XML data services
* Models and languages of XML data services
* Design and implementation of XML data services
* Interoperability and integration of XML data services
* Requirements engineering for XML data services
* Generation of XML data from Web services
* Data modeling concepts for XML data in Web services
* Ontology and semantic Web services
* Security, privacy and trust with XML data services
* Transaction management in XML data services
* BPEL and Web service orchestration with XML data
* XML-related languages like XML Schema, XPath, XQuery for Web services
* Convergence of Web services and XML database technology (queries, 
views, updates, integration, etc.)
* XML-based middleware for Web services
* SOAP Message Exchange Patterns
* UDDI, WSDL and SOAP enhancements
* Case studies for XML data services
* Quality of XML data services and deployment issues
* Dependability of XML data services
* Technical architecture and framework of XML data services
* Design tools and methodologies for XML data services
* Usage and usefulness analysis of XML data services

The goal of this proposed special issue is to crystallize the 
emerging XML data technologies and trends into positive efforts to 
focus on the most promising solutions in e-business services 
computing. The papers will provide clear proof that XML data 
technologies are playing an ever increasing important and critical 
role in supporting business service processes. It is also expected 
that the papers will further research new best practices and 
directions in XML data services.

Author Instructions
Submissions to this special issue will be required to have some 
theoretical/experimental/empirical results. Authors should create an 
account and submit via our online submission system at (available soon).
Papers must be submitted as either a Word file or PDF. For detailed 
submission information, please refer to Guidelines for Submission at

Important Dates
Submissions due: April 2, 2007
Review Outcome: July 2, 2007
Revision Due: October 1, 2007
Acceptance/Rejection Notification: November 5, 2007
Final Paper Due: November 26, 2007

Special Issue Co-Editors
Patrick C. K. Hung
Faculty of Business and Information Technology
University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT), Canada
Chengfei Liu
Faculty of Information and Communication Technology
Swinburne University of Technology, Australia

For further information about submissions, please contact Patrick C. 
K. Hung by email at 


Received on Tuesday, 30 January 2007 18:00:55 UTC