Dear Colleagues:
     We are excited to announce this unique interdisciplinary workshop at
     the premier ICWS conference on the emerging issues arising from the
     interplay of service-oriented Internet technologies with bio-medical
     research and applications.  This is expected to be a world-class forum
     bringing together both computer and domain scientists and
     practitioners, featuring papers reviewed by the high-caliber program
     committee we have assembled as well as keynote/invited talks and
     panel/tutorial discussions on hot topics.  The papers will be
     published by IEEE CS Press (hardcopy and online).
     Please encourage your students and colleagues to submit 5-page
     extended abstacts (deadline: March 10, 2007).  Details are in the CFP
     Program Co-Chairs:
     Phil Bourne, University of California, San Diego
     Shamkant B. Navathe, Georgia Institute of Technology
     Sushil K. Prasad, Georgia State University
     Call for Papers
     The Ist IEEE International Workshop on Service Oriented Technologies
     for Biological Databases and Tools (SOBDAT 2007)

     In conjunction with ICWS/SCC 2007 9-13 July 2007, Salt Lake City, Utah
     Important Dates:
     5-Page Extended Abstract Submission Deadline: March 10, 2007
     Notification Deadline: April 15, 2005
     Camera-Ready Paper Due (8 pages): May 1, 2007
     Integration of data sources and tools, and performing computations on
     them is one of the key problems for using the data from experimental
     biology today. However, these resources are highly diverse in nature
     in terms of representation, data formats, and computer systems and are
     distributed across the network. Although this broad spectrum of
     information is accessible over the Web, each data source comes with
     its own structure, semantics, data formats, names, concepts, and
     access methods. Currently, the burden falls on the scientist to
     manually (via programs) convert between the data formats, resolve
     conflicts, integrate data, and interpret results in order to make
     viable use of this information. This workshop will provide a forum to
     bring together researches and practitioners working to solve these
     challenges in biological data and tools using service oriented
     Submission Instructions: The SOBDAT 2007 invites submission of high
     quality papers by the submission deadline of March 10, 2007.  Original
     unpublished manuscripts in IEEE format (pdf or doc file) should be
     submitted electronically at ICWS 2007 Workshop Management System
     All submitted manuscripts will be peer-reviewed by at least three
     program committee members. All accepted papers will be published as a
     single volume of proceedings encompassing all the workshops (held in
     conjunction with ICWS-2007) to be published by IEEE Computer Society
     and will also be available online in the IEEE explorer digital
     Submissions are specially invited on the following topics, but the
     scope is not limited to these. We also encourage the submission of
     survey and case study papers.
     - Challenges, solutions, and methodologies in providing web services
     interfaces to biological data sources and tools
     - Methodologies for data transformation and normalization including
     transformation of raw data into information and knowledge
     - Design, management, and governance for information infrastructures,
     including information flow, adaptive evolution, and interoperability
     - Development of algorithms and data structures for analysis of
     biological information
     - Querying and query optimization against biological sources
     - Ontology based data and tool integration
     - Semantic Web technologies and formalisms for biological data and applications
     - Web Service based biological workflow configuration and deployment systems
     - Web interfaces for defining, accessing, and executing workflows
     - Dynamic discovery of suitable of biological resources
     - Data exchange rules among data sources and tools
     - Peer-to-peer based architectures for data and tool integration
     - Case studies in application of service oriented techniques to solve
     data integration issues
     - Handheld based monitoring of biological workflows, and the role of
     pervasive computing
     Workshop Organization
     Program Co-Chairs:
     Phil Bourne, University of California, San Diego, USA (
     Shamkant B. Navathe , Georgia Tech, Atlanta, USA (
     Sushil K. Prasad, Georgia State Univ., Atlanta, USA(
     Program Committee:
     Srinivas Aluru, Iowa State University, USA
     Christoph Bussler, CISCO Systems, Inc., San Francisco, USA
     Rajkumar Buyya, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
     Terence Critchlow, Center for Applied Scientific Computing,
             Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, USA
     Fikret Ercal, University of Missouri, Rolla, USA
     Graciela Gonzalez, Arizona State University, Tempe, USA
     Patrick C. K. Hung, University of Ontario Institute of Technology,Canada
     Kamal Karlapalem, IIIT, Hyderabad, India
     Zoe Lacroix, Arizona State University, Tempe, USA
     Bertram Ludaescher, University of California, Davis, USA
     Sanjay Madria, University of Missouri, Rolla, USA
     Jose Francisco Aldana Montes, The University of Manchester, UK
     Nigam Shah, Stanford Medical Informatics, Stanford, USA
     Proceedings Chair:
     Kamal Karlapalem, International Institute of Information Technology,
                                    Hyderabad, India (
     Local Arrangements Co-Chairs:
     Janaka Balasooriya, University of Missouri, Rolla, USA
     Graciela Gonzalez, Arizona State University, Tempe, USA

Received on Tuesday, 20 February 2007 16:13:21 UTC