Call for Papers: ACEC-07 (Submission Deadline Extended)

Call for Papers

The 5th IEEE International Workshop
on Agent-Based Computing for Enterprise Collaboration (ACEC-07)

Agent-Oriented Workflow and Services

June 18-20, 2007
Paris France

The autonomy and intelligence of software agents have greatly enhanced
automation in many operational domains. A major benefit of using
agents is the ability to assist in the collaboration among humans and
software mechanisms, alike. Agent-enacted collaboration can be
extremely helpful in areas such as Computer Supported Collaborative
Work, Workflow and Supply Chain Management, Automation in Virtual
Enterprises, and Automated Service Composition. This workshop focuses
on research and industry projects that exploit Agent-Oriented Workflow
and Agent-oriented services approaches for innovations in enterprise
collaboration.  We enthusiastically solicit papers (from researchers
and practitioners) that address key issues, approaches, open problems,
and innovative applications surrounding agent mediation and management
of services and/or products of on-line businesses.

Topics of interests include but are not limited to:

- Agent-mediated workflow, supply chain, or virtual enterprises
- Methodologies, languages and tools to support agent collaboration
- Agent architectures and infrastructures for collaboration
- Agent-based collaboration
- Agent-based workflow applications
- Agent-based service architectures and infrastructures
- Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) based on agents
- Services for agent collaboration
- Agent-to-Human service interactions
- Agent-mediated service integration

Papers should contain original contributions not published or
submitted elsewhere, and references to related state-of-the art work.
Authors of accepted papers are expected to present their papers at the
workshop. Papers up to six pages (including figures, tables and
references) can be submitted. Papers should follow the IEEE format,
which is single spaced, two columns, 10pt Times/Roman font. Papers
should include a title, the name and affiliation of each author, an
abstract of up to 150 words and no more than eight keywords. Please
submit papers, in PDF or PS format, to either of the Co-Chairs of the
Program Committee by Feb 15, 2007. All submitted papers will be
peer-reviewed by a minimum of three program committee members. The
accepted papers and the summary report produced by each group will be
published in post-conference proceedings by the IEEE Press.

If you have further questions or remarks, please do not hesitate to
contact the workshop organizers.

Important Dates:

Paper submission:
 March 4, 2007 (Extended)
Decision to paper authors:
 April 13, 2007
Camera-ready version to IEEE:
 May 12, 2007
Advance Registration discount:
 June 1, 2007
 June 18-20, 2007
Chairs' final reports due to IEEE:
 July 9, 2007


Dr. Federico Bergenti
Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni
Email: bergenti(AT)

Prof. M. Brian Blake
Georgetown University

Prof. Giacomo Cabri
Universita' di Modena e Reggio Emilia - Italia
Email giacomo.cabri(AT)

Received on Wednesday, 14 February 2007 17:36:10 UTC