About Daml-s

   I read about daml-s, and I found the agentcities services and
documents, and in one of this "The agentcities DAML-S Style Guide"
(March 2003) they explain about Daml-s(0.7) and their extension which
made their. This extension consists of the fact that the IOPE derive
from a class agentcondition with a few properties of expression to be
able to allow to do a logic with these expressions. But the question
is another. I think that agentcities define one profile for example,
Cinema, and then the advertisements define instances of this profiles,
is it correct?

They say that there is a discussion for knowing if the suppliers must
define their profiles as classes or if they must do it with instances
of a  general profile. They puts this discussion links about this
question (where you appear as member of the thread):
Can you explain me the solution about this problem?

I was thinking that every supplier had to provide their class profile
for each of the services that has, but agentcities does with
instances. Now I am done a mess
What is better, to take them as classes or as instances?

Excuse me for the incorrect English and if you do not
understand what I want to ask you order me a mail that I will try to
improve my English.



Received on Sunday, 8 February 2004 14:04:23 UTC