DAML-S 0.7 question about a new cardinality

First, I would like to thank DAML-S' folk for having released the 0.7
version. Your job is impressive, once again.
I am particularly interested in the Profile part of DAML-S. Thus, I have
a question concerning the new cardinality which appeared for the
"refersTo" property of the ParameterDescription Class. In the new 0.7
version of DAML-S, you put the restriction "cardinality=1" on this
property, and I am curious to know why. 
I liked the way the Profiles were treated before, that is to say, we did
not have any obligation to bind them with any Process Model. By putting
this new restriction, it seems that any IOPE defined in the Profile has
to refer to an IOPE in the Process Model. Have I misunderstood
something? And if not, could you please explain me why you took such a
Jacques-Albert De Blasio

Received on Thursday, 17 October 2002 08:40:12 UTC