(We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this Call)

                          CALL FOR POSTERS 


             Deadline for submission: 8 November 2002


        EuroWeb 2002: 2nd European World Wide Web Conference
        The Web and the GRID: from e-science to e-business

                         17-18 December 2002
                   St Anne's College, Oxford, UK


    Conference Chair: Prof. Michael Wilson, W3C UK and Ireland Office
    Poster Chair: Prof. Bob Hopgood, Oxford Brookes University

The conference theme is intended to prompt debate on convergence of
developments pioneered for e-science on the GRID and web services
in order to provide business applications. The communities who identify with
the web, the GRID, Web Services, Grid Services and Semantic Web should
not be isolated from each other, but need to come together to unify
their approaches to meet the real needs of information, data and
knowledge technology users.

EuroWeb 2002 will be a major international forum at which research on
GRIDs and Web Services is presented. EuroWeb 2002 follows on from the
success of the EuroWeb 2001, which was held in Pisa in December, 2001
on the topic of the web in public administration.

The conference is supported by the International World-Wide Web Conference 
Committee (IW3C2) and the European Research Consortium for Informatics 
and Mathematics (ERCIM).

Call for Posters

The Poster session at Euroweb 2002 is an opportunity to discuss 
late-breaking results, ongoing research projects, and innovative 
work-in-progress which may not yet be ready for a full paper. 
Technical posters, reports on software systems, completed work, 
or work in progress are all welcome. Submissions will be evaluated 
for acceptability by the Poster Committee. 

Decisions about acceptance will be based on relevance to the theme 
of the conference, originality, significance, and clarity. Accepted 
posters will be displayed at the conference.  Final posters should fit 
an A0 space and should be brought to the conference for accepted 
posters to be viewed  over the two days of 17th and 18th December.

Extended abstracts/summaries for accepted posters will be distributed 
to conference attendees as an adjunct paper to the proceedings. At least 
one author must register for the conference and attend the poster session. 


The conference seeks original contributions on, but not limited to,
the following topics:

    * Agents
    * Applications of Web Services
    * Applications of GRID services
    * Authentication and Authorisation Services
    * Beyond SOAP: Web Services Invocation Framework
    * Bootstrapping, growth and economic models
    * Case Studies
    * Computational Economy
    * Database technologies
    * Data/Information/Knowledge integration, mediation and storage
    * Digital libraries, publishing, and e-Books
    * Distributed file sharing
    * Distributed computation
    * e-business and large-scale knowledge management
    * e-learning
    * e-science and the Grid
    * Grid Middleware and Toolkits
    * Grid Information Services
    * Grid Object Metadata and Schemas
    * instant messaging
    * Mobile, situated and diffuse computing
    * Multimedia data
    * Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA)
    * Peer to peer services
    * Performance Evaluation and Modeling
    * Resource Management and Scheduling
    * Portals for GRiD and web services
    * Remote Data Access and Management
    * Scalability
    * Searching and querying
    * Securing Web Services
    * Services, including description, discovery and interoperation
    * Services and the Semantic Web
    * The GRiD and XML technologies
    * Web services and XML technologies
    * Trust
    * User interfaces
    * Visualisation and modelling
    * Web mining
    * Web service registries
    * XML Protocol and HTTP Messaging


Submissions must consist of a camera-ready extended abstract or 
summary of the work to be described in the poster, not to exceed two (2) 
pages in the eWIC formatting instructions

Abstracts should be submitted as HTML documents validated by the W3C
validator conforming to the eWIC formatting instructions and the EWIC

Only electronic submission will be acccepted. 
Submission will be accepted by email to: 

Authors will retain copyright.  

Important Dates   

 - Poster submission: Friday 8th November 2002.
 - Poster acceptance details: Friday 29th November 2002
 - Conference: 17-18 December 2002

Further Information

Conference Website:

If you require further information please e-mail:

Received on Friday, 4 October 2002 11:12:51 UTC