Slight improvement to MessageTest-5G

MessageTest-5G includes the definition of a test header.  I defined the
header simply as:


            <xs:element name="TestSOAPHeader"/>


Without a specified type, this is an instance of the ur-type, that is, there
are no constraints on the content model.  That's a little strange for a
header, and didn't express the original intention to define a "marker"


A more realistic definition for an intentionally empty header, would be


  <xs:element name="TestSOAPHeader">



        <xs:restriction base="xs:anyType">

            <xs:anyAttribute namespace='##other' processContents='lax' />






Allowing extension attributes (like soap:mustUnderstand) but no other


I've made this change, but it doesn't affect the interchange results
(another case where it's limited to the schema.)


Jonathan Marsh -  <> -



Received on Monday, 22 January 2007 09:27:31 UTC