Message in1 @ 2006-07-06T10:51:30.057Z
The message exchange MUST include a request message
The message request MUST use the proper HTTP Method
The message MUST use the proper Content-Type HTTP Header
/l:log/l:message[@number='1']/l:httpHeaders/l:Content-Type/@type = 'text/xml'
The message MUST use the proper SOAPAction HTTP Header
/l:log/l:message[@number='1']/l:httpHeaders/l:SOAPAction = '"echoString"'
The message MUST use the proper SOAP 1.1 Envelope
The SOAP Body MUST have one element
count(/l:log/l:message[@number='1']/l:content/soap11:Envelope/soap11:Body/*) = 1
The SOAP Body content MUST contain an element of the proper type
/l:log/l:message[@number='1']/l:content/soap11:Envelope/soap11:Body/*[local-name()='echoStringParam' and namespace-uri()='']
Message out2 @ 2006-07-06T10:51:30.228Z
The message exchange MUST include a response message
The message response MUST use the proper HTTP status code
The message MUST use the proper Content-Type HTTP Header
/l:log/l:message[@number='2']/l:httpHeaders/l:Content-Type/@type = 'text/xml'
The message MUST use the proper SOAP 1.1 Envelope
The SOAP Body MUST have one element
count(/l:log/l:message[@number='2']/l:content/soap11:Envelope/soap11:Body/*) = 1
The SOAP Body content MUST contain an element of the proper type
/l:log/l:message[@number='2']/l:content/soap11:Envelope/soap11:Body/*[local-name()='echoStringReturn' and namespace-uri()='']
Message in3 @ 2006-07-06T10:51:33.382Z
The message exchange MUST include a request message
The message request MUST use the proper HTTP Method
The message MUST use the proper Content-Type HTTP Header
/l:log/l:message[@number='3']/l:httpHeaders/l:Content-Type/@type = 'text/xml'
The message MUST use the proper SOAPAction HTTP Header
/l:log/l:message[@number='3']/l:httpHeaders/l:SOAPAction = '"echoStringArray"'
The message MUST use the proper SOAP 1.1 Envelope
The SOAP Body MUST have one element
count(/l:log/l:message[@number='3']/l:content/soap11:Envelope/soap11:Body/*) = 1
The SOAP Body content MUST contain an element of the proper type
/l:log/l:message[@number='3']/l:content/soap11:Envelope/soap11:Body/*[local-name()='echoStringArrayParam' and namespace-uri()='']
Message out4 @ 2006-07-06T10:51:33.542Z
The message exchange MUST include a response message
The message response MUST use the proper HTTP status code
The message MUST use the proper Content-Type HTTP Header
/l:log/l:message[@number='4']/l:httpHeaders/l:Content-Type/@type = 'text/xml'
The message MUST use the proper SOAP 1.1 Envelope
The SOAP Body MUST have one element
count(/l:log/l:message[@number='4']/l:content/soap11:Envelope/soap11:Body/*) = 1
The SOAP Body content MUST contain an element of the proper type
/l:log/l:message[@number='4']/l:content/soap11:Envelope/soap11:Body/*[local-name()='echoStringArrayReturn' and namespace-uri()='']
Message in5 @ 2006-07-06T10:51:36.927Z
The message exchange MUST include a request message
The message request MUST use the proper HTTP Method
The message MUST use the proper Content-Type HTTP Header
/l:log/l:message[@number='5']/l:httpHeaders/l:Content-Type/@type = 'text/xml'
The message MUST use the proper SOAPAction HTTP Header
/l:log/l:message[@number='5']/l:httpHeaders/l:SOAPAction = '"echoStruct"'
The message MUST use the proper SOAP 1.1 Envelope
The SOAP Body MUST have one element
count(/l:log/l:message[@number='5']/l:content/soap11:Envelope/soap11:Body/*) = 1
The SOAP Body content MUST contain an element of the proper type
/l:log/l:message[@number='5']/l:content/soap11:Envelope/soap11:Body/*[local-name()='echoStructParam' and namespace-uri()='']
Message out6 @ 2006-07-06T10:51:37.097Z
The message exchange MUST include a response message
The message response MUST use the proper HTTP status code
The message MUST use the proper Content-Type HTTP Header
/l:log/l:message[@number='6']/l:httpHeaders/l:Content-Type/@type = 'text/xml'
The message MUST use the proper SOAP 1.1 Envelope
The SOAP Body MUST have one element
count(/l:log/l:message[@number='6']/l:content/soap11:Envelope/soap11:Body/*) = 1
The SOAP Body content MUST contain an element of the proper type
/l:log/l:message[@number='6']/l:content/soap11:Envelope/soap11:Body/*[local-name()='echoStructReturn' and namespace-uri()='']