See also: IRC log
Implementer's call notes
<Jonathan> ACTION: Arthur to add wrappers to the schema. [recorded in]
<Jonathan> ACTION: Arthur to put parent, features, properties in the base schema. [recorded in]
<Jonathan> ACTION: Jonathan to add sorting of soap modules, http/soap headers. [recorded in]
<Jonathan> ACTION: John to file issue whether {rpc signature} should be OPTIONAL (4.1.1) [recorded in]
date: 2006-06-01
<Jonathan> ACTION: Jonathan to publicize interop event. [recorded in]
? 2005-07-21: Pauld to write a proposal for a working group report for requirements for schema evolution following closure of LC124 ? 2006-03-30: Marsh to make XSLT improvements for RDF publication. ? 2006-04-20: Glen to flesh out a model for runtime test scenarios. ? 2006-04-27: [interop] Arthur to add the expected assertion violated by each "bad" test case. ? 2006-05-11: [interop] Chairs to invite XFire to join this call per Tom Jordahl's suggestion ? 2006-05-11: [interop] Jonathan to look into how to create SOAP 1.2 services with .NET. DONE 2006-05-11: Arthur to prepare logistics page for interop event asap ? 2006-05-18: Amy to write a proposal for CR029. DONE 2006-05-18: Marsh to ping DaveO and Glen about the proposed resolution to CR032.
Jonathan and Paul will be at WS-I plenary.
Tony reports that issues have arisen during implementation, e.g. meaning of REQUIRED for optional extensions: When is REQUIRED in effect?
<pauld> Web Services Addressing WSDL Binding now in CR:
Jonathan reports that the WSDL 2.0 binding for WS-Addressing appears to violate the proposed restriction in CR022
<scribe> ACTION: Arthur to review the WS-A spec [recorded in]
Asir: is this a language issue in the WS-A spec?
Jonathan: suggests we add
terminology clarification to our spec, e.g. definition of child
... WS-A WG is not currently meeting but may do so for this
Amy: no progress - do this next week
Jonathan: contacted Glen and Dave
Glen agrees with the proposal
Leave open for another week to wait for response from Dave
resolution: accept proposal to change {type definiton} to be Type Definition
resolution: accept proposal to change {element declaration} to Element Declaration
Jacek: multipart would be used in MTOM
Jonathan: let's defer further discussion
plh: the spec says other serialization formats are possible
Arthur: I'll look at the spec
Arthur: I corrected the stylesheet to normalize whitespace
resolution: closed
<scribe> done
Jonathan: this is like CR032 so we'll wait for Dave's response
<plh> [[ Multiple message-header fields with the same field-name MAY be present in a message if and only if the entire field-value for that header field is defined as a comma-separated list [i.e., #(values)]. ]]
Jacek: HTTP allows multiple
headers but their values get catenated
... we should have a single component per header
resolution: accept proposal to require name to be unique
resolution: add constraint that QNames in extends attribute must be unique, but need to discuss wording
1) MUST be unique
2) MUST NOT contain duplicates
2) wins!
resolution: editorial - fix the BNF
Roberto: the situation for
Bindings to different than Interfaces because we need the
defaults is support the case of Interface-less Bindings
... we need the computation anyway for interface-less
resolution: add editorial clarification to Part 2 to explain that the component model contains default properties to support interface-less bindings
Arthur: also a whitespace problem that has been fixed
resolution: done
Jonathan: the spec is confusing since the extension if optional but the property is REQUIRED, so how do we interpret REQUIRED extension properties?
Arthur: if the attribute is present in the XML then it must be present in the component model and its value must equal the value specified
Jacek: if an implementation "knows" about safety, but the attribute is absent, what should it return? I suggest false.
Youenn: I agree, the implementation should return false instead of null.
If an extension is supported that it must obey the constraints, so if safety is supported it must be present on all operations.
Need more discussion on how to make the spec clearer about this.