Re: service and binding name shown as QNames in example - should be NCNames

Aha.  Yes, the example is incorrect, for binding, service, and interface as well.  This is the feature composition example.  Checking Core, Adjuncts, and the Primer (searching for name= and visual-grepping for qualified names) turns up no other instances of the problem.

Suggest that this be opened as editorial against CR, and fixed as (implicitly) recommended; drop the prefix from the name attribute for the three places where it is incorrectly inserted.

On Mon, 5 Jun 2006 10:51:34 +0100
"Jeremy Hughes" <> wrote:

>The XML representation of the service component in part 1 [1]
>describes the service name attribute as being of type xs:NCName.
>However, example WSDL elsewhere in part 1 [2] has a service element
>  <service name="ns1:BankService"
>           interface="tns:Bank">
>i.e. with name attribute as a QName. I believe the service name should
>be simply "BankService" without qualification.
>The binding name in the same example suffers a similar problem.
>Many thanks,

Amelia A. Lewis
Senior Architect
TIBCO/Extensibility, Inc.

Received on Monday, 5 June 2006 17:38:03 UTC