See also: IRC log
<Jonathan> Today's WSDL Interop call "minutes":
Minutes approved
-------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Review of Action items [.1]. ? 2005-07-21: Pauld to write a proposal for a working group report for requirements for schema evolution following closure of LC124 DONE [.3] 2005-01-05: Glen to write an outline for a test service and send it to the list. DONE [.4] 2006-03-16: Hugo to check Part 2 for instances of the terminology "fatal error". ? 2006-03-30: Marsh to make XSLT improvements for RDF publication. Current Editorial Action Items - none - Note: Editorial AIs associated with LC issues recorded at [.2]. [.1] [.2] [.3] [.4]
Jonathan: next telcon in 3 weeks, 11th of May ?
Next telcon seems agreed
<scribe> New issue: error & fault terminology
<Jonathan> Diff:
Hugo: I went through the spec and
found some use of error and fault words. I fixed these
... we should raise an issue about this as this changes the
Tony: the changes look fine
<TomJ> I read them and they looked good
Arthur: why should it be raised as an issue ?
Hugo: there is no change in the assertions, this is only changes in the wording
Roberto: so this seems editorial
Jonathan: I 'll mark this as editorial
Arthur: I noticed some typos in Part 2. Can I correct them directly ?
Hugo: yes
<Arthur> in Part 2 that is, just being polite!
RDF Status
Jacek: by the next telcon, a draft should be out, last call ready
Jonathan: I can schedule a tentative vote to go to last call on that telcon ?
Jacek: yes
Implementation status
Jonathan: interchange format is
now stable enough to generate dumps that can be compared
... this format allows testing that components are built
consistently from WSDL documents
Glen: I finished my AI on runtime
... We should use the primer example
... Testing would be to read the WSDL and verify that exchange
messages correspond to what has been described
Jonathan: what about servser-side testing ?
Glen: we should also implement this case
Jonathan: how do we get from this proposal to some concrete tests ?
Glen: everybody should first
agree with the proposed plan
... then we should generate the tests
Jonathan: could come up with a complete scenario document
Glen: Could come up with a scenario template
<scribe> ACTION: Glen to flesh out a model for runtime test scenarios [recorded in]
Jonathan: s
... best guess for an interop event is the 6-7 of july in
Glen: I cannot commit to have an implementation at that time
Roberto: we do not have plan to attend but even in that case, we would not be able to attend
<Jonathan> ACTION: Jonathan to publish the 6-7 July Toronto date and see what reaction we get. [recorded in]