LC28: HTTP Transfer Coding and 1.0

In issue LC28 [1], it was raised that as the transfer coding feature 
does not apply to HTTP 1.0, it is unclear how a processor would handle 
a  {http version}="1.0" and {http transfer coding} claim. In general 
such a claim should be safely ignored by the processor.

To resolve this issue I propose we update section 3.10.1 to have the 
following language:

"Every Binding Message Reference component MAY indicate which transfer 
codings, as defined in section 3.6 of [IETF RFC 2616], are available 
for this particular message.

The HTTP binding provides a mechanism for indicating a default value at 
the Binding component and Binding Operation levels.

If no value is specified, no claim is being made.

Any transfer coding specified for HTTP 1.0 Binding is ignored."

where the change is in the addition of the last sentence.


Received on Wednesday, 30 March 2005 23:17:18 UTC