Bindings: what happens when {address} is absent?

I took an action item to investigate what happens in our bindings when
{address} is absent.

The SOAP binding doesn't talk about {address} unless the HTTP binding
is used. Therefore, on to the HTTP binding:

The HTTP binding says that {http location} is combined with the base
URI {address} to produce the HTTP request URL. Things would break if
{address} is absent and if {http location} is not an absolute URI.

In order to avoid problems, I propose the following text to be added
to the description of {http location} in 5.6.2 of Part 2:

    It is an error to associate an operation whose {http location}
    property is not an absolute IRI with an endpoint component whose
    {address} property is absent.



Hugo Haas - W3C -

Received on Monday, 25 April 2005 12:14:13 UTC