[Corrected] Summary, 2-4 Aug 2004 WSDescription WG FTF

[Fixed location-date-host copy-paste error.]

Web Service Description Group
Minutes, FTF meeting 2-4 August 2004
London, hosted by BP.



 LC publication
  RESOLUTION: Change "feature-binding" to "feature" in Part 2.
  RESOLUTION: Glen appointed as part II editor

 LC/CR preparation
  ACTION:   Jonathan to followup on AB decisions with regards to test 
            materials handling
  DISCUSSION SUMMARY: Support for a bar of two implementations of 
            each feature in CR is fine, as opposed to requiring two 
            complete implementations of the spec.

 Media Type Description Note;
  RESOLUTION: Issue 161 closed; remove the sentence about the absence 
              of expectedMediaType being equivalent to */*.
  RESOLUTION: Issue 245 closed; allow the q parameter (no quotes), and
  RESOLUTION: Issue 204 closed as obsoleted by Issue 161
  RESOLUTION: Issue 162 closed; obsolete issue
  RESOLUTION: Issue 198 closed with no action
  RESOLUTION: Issue 199 closed with no action
  RESOLUTION: Issue 200 closed; annotation may appear on elements and
  NEW ISSUE 252: syntax of media type annotation, WG is substantially in

                 favor of moving to attribute syntax if possible.  Will
                 up again tomorrow.
  RESOLUTION: Issue 201 closed; already resolved
  ACTION: Anish to write up some examples and add them to the spec
  RESOLUTION: 202 closed with Anish's todo to add examples for
  RESOULTION: Issue 203 closed by adding hexBinary.
  RESOLUTION: Issue 205 closed; obsolete
  RESOLUTION: Issue 206 closed; obsolete, and duplicates 200
  RESOLUTION: Issue 242 closed by making a change to section 2.2 of the
              media type doc to reflect that the meaning (not just the
              value space) of the expectedMediaType is the same as the 
              Accept header.
  ACTION: Editors to make a change to section of 2.2 of the media type 
          doc to reflect that the meaning (not just the value space) of 
          the expected media type is the same as the accept header.

 Action Item review:
  DONE   2004-05-21: Editors to add ednotes to the spec to indicate 
                     areas that had contention. (Issue 190)
  DONE   2004-06-17: Editors to incorporate David Booth's clarification 
                     in section 8.3
  DONE   2004-07-08: Editors to implement resolution to 177 as amended.
  DONE   2004-07-08: Glen to verifiy composition model.
  DONE   2004-07-15: People who want to file a minority opinion should 
                     do so by July 22.
  DONE   2004-07-15: Editors to incorporate Operation Name proposal v3
  DONE   2004-07-29: Editors implement proposal (Issue 250).
  DONE   2004-07-29: Editors incorporate Glen's "some new text" into 
                     section 2.8.1 of part 1.
  DONE   2004-07-29: Editors incorporate text from thread "please review

                     text" (333) with changes of provider agent to 
  DONE   2004-07-29: Editors remove entire text of Issue 211 resolution.
  DONE   2004-07-29: Editors to move "AD Feature/HTTP binding" material 
                     into part 2.
  DONE   2004-07-29: Editors add comment about how the wrapper element 
                     is defined.

 XMLP response to our LC comments:
  Accept resolutions except for issue 489.
  ACTION: Glen to inquire to XMLP about the rationale for closing 489

  RESOLUTION: Deprecate Intermediaries requirement
  ACTION: Marsh to update Req doc to deprecate intermediaries


 SOAP 1.1 Binding
  RESOLUTION: Q1: Consensus is to move forward with Asir's proposal A as
  RESOLUTION: Q2: Allow soap:module to be used in the SOAP 1.1 binding.
  RESOLUTION: Q3: Use soap 12 naming convention.
  RESOLUTION: Q5: Ignore @wsoap:mep.
  RESOLUTION: Q4: The version attribute won't indicate profiling.
  RESOLUTION: We will describe the changes to part 3 as lc comments, 
              and also do changes to soap 1.1 note.  We agreed to do 
              a soap:version attribute in part 3.

 Media Type Description
  RESOLUTION: Close issue 252 by adopting attribute based syntax, add
          that attribute annotations might not be exposed by existing
          schema processors.
  ACTION: Glen to send a message about the mediaType annotation
          (attribute/appInfo) to soapbuilders.

 Primer:  Overview presented.  Possible WD in Sept.

 Property requiredness:
  RESOLUTION: to remove the required flag on property element and make 
              appropriate changes to the component model

  Discussion of @compatibleWith proposal.  No resolution.

  RESOLUTION: dropping the idea of folding namespaces into one.

  ACTION: Jonathan to check the policy with AB and team and perhaps set 
          up a ML for testing.
  ACTION: Arthur and Jonathan to produce a mockup of Z in the spec for
          next FTF.

  ACTION: Hugo to set up Sep f2f registration page.

Received on Wednesday, 1 September 2004 15:09:17 UTC