Re: "recursive" interface inheritance

Savas Parastatidis wrote:
> Kevin,
>>The current editor draft of part 1 spec [1] reads like that extensions
> can
>>be layered, but it doesn't say anything about if an interface can
> appear
>>multiple times in the inheritance hierarchy, for example,  is it legal
> for
>>interface A to extend interface B and C, while B extends A,  C extends
> B,
>>and so on? For lack of good terms, I call it "recursive" inheritance.
> I think you're referring to "cyclic" graphs in an inheritance tree.
> Actually, you don't need 3 interfaces to present the problem.
> -> = extends
> A->B->A (cyclic graph) not valid

Correct. In 2.4.1. we should say that the "extends" relationship between 
interfaces must be well-founded. Noncircularity follows.


Roberto Chinnici
Web Technologies and Standards
Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Received on Thursday, 1 May 2003 19:23:42 UTC