Re: Agenda, 5 June 2003 WS Desc telcon

>?         2003-05-13: Umit to write up a variant of the endpoint
>                      description proposal using schema annotation 
>                      syntax.


Please find the attached pdf document for this action item. It is not 
polished as I would like, but it is meant to start the discussion.

I expored two different things in this document. First,  three different 
ways interjecting endpoint description and a brief comparison of the 
approaches, with examples, are discussed. Then, a new proposal for 
representing a web service reference is introduced.

The writeup in summary does three different things:

(1) It defines the content model and semantics of a WS reference.
(2) It specifies how and where to specify the type of a WS reference in 
a WSDL document.
(3) It illustrates that the key concept in statically defining a WS 
reference is the interface. It defines that the type of a WS reference 
is the interface, not the binding.

Happy Reading,


Umit Yalcinalp                                  
Consulting Member of Technical Staff
Phone: +1 650 607 6154                          

Received on Wednesday, 4 June 2003 15:36:29 UTC