MEPs: Operation content model (was: Template for renaming discussion)

I could not help noticing below that the content model for <operation>
is different depending on whether it appears in a <portType> or a
<binding>, according to the MEP proposal as I read it.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Marsh 
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 10:58 AM
To: ''
Subject: Template for renaming discussion

Here is a comprehensive list (I believe) of the Part 1 element and
attribute names including those suggested in the MEPs proposal [1].  My
hope is that having these all listed on a single page will facilitate
the Renaming discussion.  The (s) indicates places where the proposal
was unclear on whether the name is plural or not.  I propose dealing
with precise names for these new constructs under the "Renaming" agenda
item instead of the "MEPs" agenda item.

<definitions targetNamespace="...">
  <documentation/> <!-- not shown henceforth -->
  <include location="..."/>
  <import namespace="..." location="..."/>
    <xs:import namespace="..." schemaLocation="..."/>
    <xs:schema targetNamespace="..."/>
  <message name="...">
    <part name="..." element="..." type="..."/>
  <portType name="..." extends="...">
    <operation name="..." mep="...">
      <input name="..." message="..."/>
      <output name="..." message="..."/>
      <infault(s) name="..." message(s)="..."/>
      <outfault(s) name="..." message(s)="..."/>
  <binding name="..." type="...">
    <operation name="...">
      <input name="..." message="..."/>
      <output name="..." message="..."/>
      <fault name="..." message="..."/>
  <service name="...">
    <port name="..." binding="...">
  <some:ext wsdl:required="..."/>


Received on Friday, 28 February 2003 14:01:14 UTC