WSDL Requirements question


Firstly, this message has been sent to both www-ws-desc and www-ws mailing 

The following is taken from the WSDL requirements doc.

The description language SHOULD allow describing Messages that include 
references (URIs) to strongly-typed referents, both values and Services. (From 
PP. Last discussed 11 April, 2002.)"

I just want to make sure I'm understanding this correctly.  In effect, WSDL 
allows for defining types (via the "type" description or within the "message" 
description) that are referred to using namespaces.  For example, a "type" 
definition may refer to a DAML-S class, which is based on RDF.  The WSDL file 
and WSDL parser (ideally) should be able to follow back to the DAML-S 
description of the type, correct?

Forgive this simple question...I'm relatively new to using WSDL extensibility 



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