Re: MEPs in SOAP 1.2 and WSDL 1.2


Good point.

SOAP will have (as soon as I get around to my AI:) 2 normatively
defined MEPs, request-response and oneway-pull (for HTTP GET).
They are identified by URIs

and defined with formal semantics of a state machine, which indicate
such things as disposition of SOAP Faults generated during SOAP
processing, (which should IMO have some bearing on answering a
related question in a thread on the www-ws-desc list as to
whether a Fault is/can be returned on a oneway MEP).

I wouldn't say that an MEP is 'not supported' by SOAP1.2 simply because
it isn't defined in SOAP1.2. The SOAP spec clearly anticipates that
other MEPs will be defined, including the likes of request-n_responses.

IMO, there's also a larger issue of how these MEPs are identified.
SOAP1.2 uses URIs (note the one above is terminated with a slash)
WSDL uses NMTOKEN. One could even argue for use of URI reference
which would actually dereference to the normative description of
the MEP). doesn't
actually resolve to anything but a 404. I thought that it was W3C
practice to have all URIs resolve to something. One could even
suggest that a QName might be appropriate, although there's also
a TAG issue on that and any decision should be mindful of
their findings.


Philippe Le Hegaret wrote:

> 2 specifications are going to define MEPs within the Web Services
> Activity, namely SOAP 1.2 and WSDL 1.2.
> It would be good for the XMLP WG to review the requirements of the WSD
> WG and make sure that all MEPs addressed by SOAP 1.2 will be in WSDL
> 1.2, in particular "request and n responses".
> The WSD WG has an open issue regarding solicit-response, which is not
> supported in SOAP 1.2:
> It would be good to have some input from the XMLP WG regarding this
> issue. Does XMLP expect to include this MEP in the future or in SOAP
> 1.2?
> Philippe

Received on Thursday, 23 May 2002 15:27:34 UTC