RE: Requesting WSDL Files

For SOAP, a company may elect to have a single endpoint URI for 
a management intermediary which authorises, logs and possibly
adds to the message before routing it onto one of a large
number of services.

The qname of the message body element is typically used to 
identify the service and the operation name, though other 
mechanisms such as WS-Addressing, WS-MessageDelivery and even
soapAction may be used to route and dispatch the message to 
the actual service.


-----Original Message-----
From: Josh Sled []
Sent: 02 July 2004 12:29
To: Downey,PS,Paul,XSJ67A C
Subject: RE: Requesting WSDL Files

On Fri, 2004-07-02 at 03:44, wrote:

> in practice we may have a many different WSDLs describing a single 
> endpoint (and many endpoints described by a single WSDL) 

> sometimes they're different versions of the same service, other
> times a view or partial service being offered handed to different 
> customers.

If not the URL, what mechanism is used to differentiate the service
between those customers, in practice?


Received on Friday, 2 July 2004 08:29:51 UTC