Re: Normative constraints on the WSA

On Saturday, May 17, 2003, at 09:43  AM, Mark Baker wrote:
> Not at all.  But you don't see improvement by relaxing constraints and
> removing the very properties that got us to where we are today.  You
> see improvement by *adding* new constraints.

(1) This sounds very principled, but I can't think of a single example
     of this pattern in other successful standards activities. Could
     you, for example, describe how it applies to, say, the process
     of 30 years of evolution in the TCP/IP community?

(2) How would you characterize the addition of support for
     non-HHTP messaging to SOAP and WSDL?

>  I welcome all innovation
> on the Web that does just that (see KnowNow), and I reject all
> "innovation" to the contrary; it isn't innovation, it's taking us back
> between 20 and 30 years in the evolution of large scale distributed
> systems.

Specifics, please?

I happen to think (personally, not a Sun position) that the present web
architecture made a colossal mistake in not explicitly modelling the
temporal nature of distributed systems state. Something like Jini
leases would go a long way to solving many of the synchronization and
coordination issues that we've wrestled with in various trout-ponds.

Received on Saturday, 17 May 2003 16:15:17 UTC