Re: Visibility

On Thu, May 08, 2003 at 09:50:10AM -0600, Champion, Mike wrote:
> Once again, Mark, you are welcome to bring this up with the Powers that Be,
> but I honestly think we've got so many counter-arguments to every point you
> could raise that it will not be a winning argument for you.... not to
> mention the fact that there are more XML geeks than REST geeks in that
> group!  I grepped for "XML" in Roy's thesis the other day and didn't find a
> single instance; I simply don't think he considered (back then!) the
> possibility that XML provides the same visibility benefits that HTTP headers
> did in the days of opaque content.  If he has considered the visibility
> issue since XML became ubiquitous, I would be very interested in what he has
> to say.

Ok, ok, I didn't mean to start anything. 8-O

You are wrong, but I'm ok with the text as-is, because at least it's
*clearly* wrong 8-).

Mark Baker.   Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA.
Web architecture consulting, technical reports, evaluation & analysis

Received on Thursday, 8 May 2003 12:09:43 UTC