RE: Web Service Description and stateful services - (on the '' list) Debating on a) Stateful Web Service Instances b) Stateful Interaction - OGSI

> What do we call the internals? Is it a 'service' but not a 'Web 
> service', the 'service behind the service', the 'Web service whose 
> definition is given by more than WSDL/SOAP', or something totally 
> difference?

In my view a Web service includes both the WSDL definition (the "interface syntax") and its semantics. I would only decide to use a Web service after knowing its semantics.

The problem is that so far we only have a standardized way of describing the interface. The current work of the WSD group on RDF/OWL is an attempt to provide a standardized way to describe the semantics. But again the concept of Web service should include both the interface and the semantics behind.


Received on Saturday, 21 June 2003 00:20:18 UTC