Re: AG004 Closure Sought

* Joseph Hui <> [2002-07-24 14:18-0700]
> I've been under the impression that the AC020.x were
> Privacy requirements mistakenly prefixed with AC instead of AR,
> and AC020 was the critical success factor (CSF).
> They surely read like requirements instead of CSFs to me.
> If those are indeed AC's, then I think some ARs are needed
> to be stated, because it's hard to imagine there'll be only
> CSFs but no requirements under the Privacy section in the
> requirements spec.

I said AC020 as a reference to the group of things under AC020.

I indeed believe that they look more like requirements than CSFs to
me, and I don't think that as Rigo said being a requirement diminishes
their strength: the architecture will have to meet the requirements.



Hugo Haas - W3C - - tel:+1-617-452-2092

Received on Wednesday, 24 July 2002 17:23:35 UTC