RE: "important" resources

I really hesitate to enter this debate -- but ...

It seems to me that in practical terms, in the business applications with
which I am familiar, it is actually rather rare to have an "important
resource" that you want to reuse or reference, because the ability to get at
the resource must first be authorized.  That is, there is no point in
keeping a URL that will generate a read on a database if you need to get
authorized first to access the data.  It seems to me that keeping that
authorization information (a password, for example) in the URL is a big
no-no.  In practice there is a session state that is carried along, in one
way or another, that includes this authorization, and keeping a URL for
anything but the starting point of the process is pretty useless.

-----Original Message-----
From: David Booth [] 
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2002 2:28 PM
Subject: RE: "important" resources

I'll propose a third definition:  An "important resource" is any resource 
that you or others are likely to want to REUSE or REFERENCE.

An example in the context of Web Services might be a message description 
that appears as a part of a larger Web Service description.  It is likely 
that some other Web Service description may wish to reuse that message 
description.  And it sure would be handy it if that message description 
were identified by a URI, and you could GET from it.

At 12:03 PM 7/18/2002 -0700, David Orchard wrote:
> > > Position: use URIs for important resources.  What are
> > important resources?

David Booth
W3C Fellow / Hewlett-Packard
Telephone: +1.617.253.1273

Received on Friday, 19 July 2002 16:35:55 UTC