Re: A REST challenge

bhaugen wrote,
> However, when we got to the next level - orchestrating business
> conversations - business semantics became much more important.  We
> found that the simplest and most declarative method of orchestrating
> business conversations was around the states of semantic business
> objects, which could very well be implemented as REST resources.

I agree with the ends, but I'm not convinced about the means.

REST does hint in this direction, certainly. But it's a pretty 
impoverished model in comparison with others that've been around for at 
least as long. The thing that made me look a little closer at REST was 
the POST-a-callback-URI idiom ... it has some surprising (to me, 
anyway) echos of Milner's Pi-calculus. But echos and intimations aren't 
quite enough ... implementation hints at best IMO.



Received on Wednesday, 17 July 2002 17:41:34 UTC