Re: Security scenarios

Hi Darran.

* Darran Rolls <> [2002-07-15 13:18-0500]
> Could you give me us a basic outline of the current status of the security scenarios and indicate what you???d like the STF to do to help.  The USTF con-call last week was a bit inconclusive.  There was some discussion on time lines.  Chris said that the dead-line for the editors draft was today(Monday 15th) and that any further work on UC???s from the STF would only be relevant after the August recess???

I added an authentication scenario, and Dave Orchard worked on other
scenarios (S061, S062, S0621) that I added to the latest version of
the usage scenario document[1]. Which reminds me that I should publish
a snapshot of this document, which I will do later today.

Steve Monetti worked on additional scenarios in the STF, but they
haven't been integrated yet.

> This said, what needs to be done and what can I do to help? 

I am slightly out of sync with the STF, but if you are interested in
contributing more usage scenarios part of the travel agent or the
EDI-like use case, please do so.

It seems that Steve took the lead in producing more scenarios, so
maybe he has more precise needs.



Hugo Haas - W3C - - tel:+1-617-452-2092

Received on Tuesday, 16 July 2002 09:58:27 UTC