Re: "Reliable" web services for Next Big Thing? (was RE: Agenda for 5 December WSA telcon)

This seems like a time to bring up the subject of using the ebXML
Messaging Service as a possible alternative to SOAP for WS calls.  Many
of you are familiar with this and this discussion has been around for a
long time.  The idea would be to write the WS architecture in a way that
allowed for the ebXML MS to be used.  I think the current draft does
that but I have not read it specifically to ascertain this.

For those who are not,  the ebXML MS specification was written based on
a huge list of business reuqirements, including most of the current
discussions (once and once only message service, reliability, persistent
message storage, authentication and security, independant of the low
lying transport protocol [http, smtp etc.] tie in to the business level
agreement and more.  

One of the more intriging thoughts is the latter tie in to the business
level agreement (in ebXML-speak, its CPA).  This would allow an
individual WS call to assert that it is arriving in the context of a
specific thread of a specific business agreement (ConversationID and
CPAID), hence allowing the Web Service grantor to check the
authentication tokens and react accordingly. This helps contrain access
to a WS, which seems to be relatively important to businesses (IMHO).

Having some implementation experience,  most have decided to use HTTP
simply for the fact that it avoids firewall issues with other low level


  <randomthought>Convergence of SOAP 2.* and ebXML MS v

Duane Nickull

VP Strategic Relations,
Technologies Evangelist
XML Global Technologies
ebXML software downloads -

Received on Thursday, 5 December 2002 14:48:29 UTC