Testimonial Guidelines for OWL Recommendation Announcement

Dear WebOnt Working Group,

We are hoping to have completed a successful review of the OWL suite of 
specifications, and are planning for a OWL Recommendation to be 
published in the near future. Should all go well, the publication of the 
OWL recommendations and press release is tentatively set for:

	Tuesday 10 February 2003, 10am ET

Since we are hoping for a joint announcement with the RDF drafts - 
again, not confirmed - we are hoping to make a major Semantic Web 
announcement with the completion of both.

We are accepting testimonials through 6 Febuary. Once your organization
has prepared it, you may send it to


with a cc to connolly@w3.org

An interim draft of the press release will be coming in over the next
week, and your help and suggestions.

Some of you may already have ideas about your testimonial; for others,
it may be the first time you have prepared them. So, as a reminder for
veterans of the process, and for those of you new to what we do for
Recommendations, here is a a Testimonial FAQ for you to share with your
marketing departments.

q. What are the basics for writing a testimonial for a W3C Announcement?

A testimonial must

      * contain a statement of support for the W3C and the
        technology we are promoting in this release;
      * be grammatically correct;
      * be attributed to an individual in the submitter's organization
        (name, title, org)

A testimonial should

      * contain an explanation of why the news is important to the Web or
        to specific communities, extolling the virtues and features not
        before enjoyed;
      * include a commitment for support of the spec in existing or
        future products and/or services

A testimonial may

      * include product announcements which support the technology now or
        plans to support later;
      * be in a language other than English.

A testimonial must not

      * contain criticisms of the technology that may undermine the
        success of the specification;
      * criticize other products or services
      * exceed 100 words

q: May we mention our product(s) by name?

a: Yes, you may.

q: Are we restricted in providing a name for the testimonial "speaker"?

a: No, though we suggest choosing people who may have name recognition
in the trade press. In some cases, that may be the member of the WG; in
other cases, it may be another person in the member organization.

q: Is it too late for me to volunteer for press calls?

a. No, we welcome your participation.

q. How do I make any of this happen?

a. Send testimonials, press releases and speaking contacts to:


     no later than 6 February 2004, 8pm EDT.

q. I would like to make a press release in tandem with the W3C
announcement. How can I do that?

a. Please send your draft press release to w3t-pr@w3.org no later than
5pm EDT Monday 9 February. Call me at my office if you haven't heard
back in 2 hours. Please schedule your announcement to cross the wire,
minimally 15 minutes after the scheduled W3C announcement (10aEDT,
Tuesday 10 February). See note below.

q. May I volunteer as a spokesperson for press calls?

a. Yes. If you would like to participate (that is, be on the list for
journalist referrals), please send the following information to
Name of spokesperson
Phone number
Your time zone, and and the times you are able to accept calls, EDT

NOTE: The Rec isn't live until it appears on http://www.w3.org/TR/. This
means that press activity, including our own, must not precede the
publication of the document. All AC reps and the WG will receive the
director's decision very shortly after the document is published on the
TR page, then W3C will send its press release.

Please feel free to call me with any questions you may have, or to send
your own marcom people to me.

Best regards,


World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Janet Daly, Head of Communications
200 Technology Square
Cambridge, MA 02139

voice: +1.617.253.5884
fax:   +1.617.258.5999

Received on Tuesday, 27 January 2004 20:04:03 UTC