Re: any more tests?

Many of the DL tests are of exactly this kind, although usually a bit
more subtle. 


On October 8, Jeremy Carroll writes:
> I have just been chatting with Dave Reynolds, who had a simple bug reported 
> on his reasoner to do with an entailment like:
> <eg:c> rdf:type owl:Class .
> <eg:c> owl:equivalentClass _:r .
> _:r rdf:type owl:Restriction .
> _:r owl:onProperty <eg:p> .
> _:r owl:someValuesFrom <eg:c> .
> <eg:p> rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty .
> <eg:i> rdf:type <eg:c> .
> entails
> <eg:i> <eg:p> _:b .
> _:b rdf:type <eg:c> .
> _:b <eg:p> _:c .
> _:c rdf:type <eg:c> .
> A test for this potential infinite loop bug was apparantly missing from the 
> test suite.
> If there are other such simple tests that catch common implementation bugs 
> it would be good to add some.
> Jeremy

Received on Wednesday, 8 October 2003 09:50:37 UTC