RE: [protege-discussion] Re: Roles and Classes

Following my previous question I cc to WebOnt group for further inquiry

> I've not checked if a sameAs declaration
> between two instances of disjoint classes
> is detected as an error.

It is not :(

I can create the following without problem under Prot¨¦g¨¦ and export it in
OWL syntax.

    <owl:Class rdf:ID="Man"/>
    <owl:Class rdf:ID="Woman">
        <owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="#Man"/>
    <Man rdf:ID="John"/>
    <Woman rdf:ID="Linda">
        <owl:sameAs rdf:resource="#John"/>

Which seems clearly inconsistent IMO. This inconsistenvy is not detected by
OWL validators as well, such as

So I begin to wonder if this is considered inconsistent, although at

it is clearly stated that

"The disjointness of a set of classes can be expressed using the
owl:disjointWith constructor. It guarantees that an individual that is a
member of one class cannot simultaneously be an instance of a specified
other class."


Bernard Vatant
Senior Consultant
Knowledge Engineering
Mondeca -

Received on Monday, 6 October 2003 09:37:48 UTC