TEST: make addtional query-style tests.

[from the WebOnt telecon 2003-10-02]
> ACTION Jos: make addtional query-style tests.

As Jim suggestested, "which wine goes with which food"
and we made a first attempt in
We knew some results from
and so this test is supposed to entail 3 of those results
expressed in a way like
_:X1 a _:I1.
_:I1 owl:intersectionOf _:L1.
_:L1 rdf:first _:R1.
_:L1 rdf:rest _:K1.
_:R1 owl:onProperty food:hasDrink.
_:R1 owl:hasValue vin:FoxenCheninBlanc.
_:K1 rdf:first _:S1.
_:K1 rdf:rest rdf:nil.
_:S1 owl:onProperty food:hasFood.
_:S1 owl:hasValue food:Pie.

Before making further tests, I'll see how all the OWL systems
grok this one...

Jos De Roo, AGFA http://www.agfa.com/w3c/jdroo/

Received on Saturday, 4 October 2003 21:25:34 UTC