Minor comments about the Overview document

Some last-minute minor comments/corrections about the Overview document. I
don't know why these didn't catch my eye before.

1) (forgive me if I have missed discussion on this before) Abstract, 1st
paragraph says "OWL facilitates greater machine readability of Web content
than..."; all web content is machine readable (at least it is difficult for
me to imagine *web* content that isn't :-). Some other word than
"readability" should be used, perhaps "interpretability", "processability"
[sp?], and/or maybe structure the sentence in some other way. First
paragraph of the Introduction also talks about "machine readable" content.

2) Section 1.1, the first occurrence of "OWL" in the list is spelled "Owl".

3) I do not understand what follows the first sentence of the second
paragraph of section 3.

4) Section 3.1, the description of Class has the name of the property
subClassOf capitalized, and the name only links to the overview document
itself (not to any appropriate subsection). Same applies to allValuesFrom
under the description of rdfs:range.

5) The intention of the sentence "Note that properties that are to be made
symmetric may not have arbitrary domains and ranges" in section 3.3 is not
clear (although this is better than what was there before). Perhaps it is
just too vague.

6) The sentence "OWL Lite has contains an intersection constructor but
limits its usage" in section 3.6 does not parse.


    - Ora

Ora Lassila  mailto:ora.lassila@nokia.com  http://www.lassila.org/
Research Fellow, Nokia Research Center
Chief Scientist, Nokia Venture Partners

Received on Thursday, 8 May 2003 11:05:56 UTC