Re: draft response to #owlref-rdfcore-owl-class-denotation

>I wrote:
>>Any attempt to make such a comparison outside the formal framework is
>on reflection I should tone that down ...
>Our agreed consensus is within the formal framework - any understanding
>outside that framework is not part of our consensus, and cannot form part of
>a consensus response to the comment.

We need to recognize (particularly as this is in response to a 
question from the RDF WG concerning part of the RDFS vocabulary) that 
the OWL consensus, if there is such a thing, differs radically from 
the RDFS consensus. That alone seems to me to be sufficient reason to 
not make a syntactic identification of owl:Class and rdfs:Class, and 
still less of owl:Thing with rdfs:Resource, since it is obvious from 
the OWL and RDF specs themselves that in all RDFS interpretations 
there are entities in rdfs:Resource which are not in owl:Thing 
(literal values, for one).


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Received on Friday, 13 June 2003 18:57:51 UTC