question about DL/Lite semantics

On one of my homework assignments after the beer session I've got a little bit 
stuck considering the following entailments according to the direct semantics


Class( <foo> annotation( <a> <bar> ) )
AnnotationProperty( <a> )
Class( <bar> )


AnnotationProperty( <a> )
Class( <foo> annotation( <a> individual() ) )


If not, why not?

I also note that there is a bug in the LC mapping rules that permits 


to map to nothing
so that the following contradicition maps to a noncontradition in RDF/XML

EquivalentClasses( owl:Thing, owl:Nothing ) 

I am still working on the rdf:List homework, and will possibly propose a bug 
fix for this bug as a side effect.

(The equivalent expression

individual( type(owl:Thing) )
EquivalentClasses( owl:Thing, owl:Nothing ) 

is a simple contradiction)


Received on Monday, 2 June 2003 06:13:23 UTC