Some (OWL) Test Cases

Latest editors snapshot:

1. Approved Tests

1.1. By Function

1.2. By Issue

2. Proposed Tests

2.4. Miscellaneous Tests

These tests are ones that do not fit any other category. Some are taken from the [OWL Guide]; others reflect various aspects of OWL, that were not formal issues addressed by the working group.

2.4.2. Detailed OWL Lite and OWL DL Syntax

These tests illustrate detailed points about the mapping rules in [OWL Abstract Syntax and Semantics], and the syntax of OWL Lite and OWL DL.

FullConsistent document.101
Description: <miscellaneous/Manifest101#test> Jeremy J. Carroll
This document is OWL Lite according to the 3rd February working draft and to the 15th February editor's draft .
FullConsistent: <miscellaneous/consistent101>
    xml:base="" >
   <owl:Thing rdf:ID="i">
            <owl:intersectionOf rdf:parseType="Collection">
                    <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="p"/>
                    <owl:Class rdf:ID="a"/>
                    <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="#p"/>
                    <owl:Class rdf:ID="s"/>

first:i rdf:type owl:Thing .
_:a rdf:type owl:Restriction .
first:p rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty .
_:a owl:onProperty first:p .
first:a rdf:type owl:Class .
_:a owl:allValuesFrom first:a .
_:b rdf:type owl:Restriction .
first:p rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty .
_:b owl:onProperty first:p .
first:s rdf:type owl:Class .
_:b owl:someValuesFrom first:s .
_:c rdf:first _:b .
_:c rdf:rest rdf:nil .
_:c rdf:type rdf:List .
_:d rdf:first _:a .
_:d rdf:rest _:c .
_:d rdf:type rdf:List .
_:e owl:intersectionOf _:d .
first:i rdf:type _:e .

DLConsistent document.102
Description: <miscellaneous/Manifest102#test> Jeremy J. Carroll
This document is OWL DL according to the 3rd February working draft and to the 15th February editor's draft .
DLConsistent: <miscellaneous/consistent102>
    xml:base="" >
   <owl:Thing rdf:ID="i">
            <owl:intersectionOf rdf:parseType="Collection">
                    <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="p"/>
                    <owl:Class rdf:ID="a"/>
                    <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="#p"/>
                    <owl:Class rdf:ID="s"/>

first:i rdf:type owl:Thing .
_:a rdf:type owl:Class .
_:b rdf:type owl:Restriction .
first:p rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty .
_:b owl:onProperty first:p .
first:a rdf:type owl:Class .
_:b owl:allValuesFrom first:a .
_:c rdf:type owl:Restriction .
first:p rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty .
_:c owl:onProperty first:p .
first:s rdf:type owl:Class .
_:c owl:someValuesFrom first:s .
_:d rdf:first _:c .
_:d rdf:rest rdf:nil .
_:d rdf:type rdf:List .
_:e rdf:first _:b .
_:e rdf:rest _:d .
_:e rdf:type rdf:List .
_:a owl:intersectionOf _:e .
first:i rdf:type _:a .

FullConsistent document.103
Description: <miscellaneous/Manifest103#test> Jeremy J. Carroll
This document is OWL DL according to the 3rd February working draft and to the 15th February editor's draft .
FullConsistent: <miscellaneous/consistent103>
    xml:base="" >
   <owl:Thing rdf:ID="i">
            <owl:intersectionOf rdf:parseType="Collection">
                    <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="p"/>
                    <owl:Class rdf:ID="a"/>
                    <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="#q"/>
                    <owl:Class rdf:ID="s"/>

first:i rdf:type owl:Thing .
_:a rdf:type owl:Restriction .
first:p rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty .
_:a owl:onProperty first:p .
first:a rdf:type owl:Class .
_:a owl:allValuesFrom first:a .
_:b rdf:type owl:Restriction .
first:q rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty .
_:b owl:onProperty first:q .
first:s rdf:type owl:Class .
_:b owl:someValuesFrom first:s .
_:c rdf:first _:b .
_:c rdf:rest rdf:nil .
_:c rdf:type rdf:List .
_:d rdf:first _:a .
_:d rdf:rest _:c .
_:d rdf:type rdf:List .
_:e owl:intersectionOf _:d .
first:i rdf:type _:e .